Oakley's latest release this season continues the trend of large sunglasses and big lenses. Rumours are that Oakley plan to replace the Hijinx and Monster Dog models with the newly released Pit Bull.
From what we've reviewed this new model is even larger than the very popular Hijinx and Monster Dogs. It does come with the typical top notch features you'd expect from Oakley including nose pads and ear stems that lock around the face to ensure a really tight fit to avoid falling off when competing. Naturally you can choose from the range of Oakley lenses or you could choose to add lenses from our range of polarized lenses as a back up pair so you're not left stranded out on the field. We have a range of colors in our polarized lenses to choose from to suit your style, says Craig Anderson, owner of The Sunglass Fix.
Oakley has solidified themselves as the legends of innovation when it comes to sports sunglasses, being one of the first sunglass businesses to transform sports sunglasses into fashion items. Oakley's key is it's continual ability to merge style and function for a high performing piece of fashion that gives competitors that winning edge. It also delivers the health benefit of reducing harmful UV light. All this in one pair of sunglasses!
Also new to the Oakley collection are some collectable Jawbones from the new Max Fearlight range. The Jawbone collection are iconic and worn by world class athletes such as Lance Armstrong, and this years Aussie winner, Cadel Evans amongst other tour de France riders. The Max Fearlight range was released as part of a big advertisement campaign where a futuristic survivor of a solar Armageddon steps out into the blinding UV sunlight wearing Oakley Jawbones.
Check out the campaign here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?.
The Jawbone series is a great invention by Oakley where each person can customize their sunglasses for their own sporting needs and performance. You're able to choose from a big range of lenses for varying light conditions. And when you're out in the elements we all know that it can not only change on a daily basis, but even hourly at times. Comments Craig Anderson from The Sunglass Fix
The new Jawbones feature the classic Oakley Switchlock Technology that has an interchangeable lens design for any lenses to be popped in and out to suit the conditions.
Not only can you switch Oakley lenses but you can also put in after market lenses like our premium polarized range. For as little as $38.95 you can have a set of polarized lenses shipped to your door to pop into your Jawbone frame.Explains Craig Anderson, owner of the online sunglass business.
When pushing yourself to the edge it's inevitable that you'll come up with some scratched sunglasses. Lens replacement is a great option to make sure you've always got scratch free lens.
We offer a money back guarantee to ensure the lenses meet the high standards of your originals. Many of our customers have posted on our facebook site about how satisfied they are with our lenses and service so check us out at https://www.facebook.com/thesunglassfix , explains Craig Anderson.