Thursday 16 Mar, 2023

Sunglass Fix: une entreprise durable sur le plan environnemental

Sunglass Fix a été lancé pour réduire le gaspillage d'argent en jetant de superbes montures de lunettes de soleil lorsque les verres étaient endommagés. Au fil des ans, ils sont devenus une entreprise durable primée. Lisez pour en savoir plus....
Wednesday 3 Feb, 2021

Sunglass Fix + Childe - Two Sustainable Businesses Join Forces 

Sunglass Fix + Childe = Childe For LIfe. Two Sustainable Businesses Join Forces to create a lifetime warranty on premium eco brand Childe's sunglasses. Customers who scratch or damage their lenses activate their lifetime warranty and get new replacement lenses from Sunglass Fix, keeping the sunglass...
Monday 1 Feb, 2021

Sunglass Fix Ambassador - Kate Nelson Plastic Free Mermaid

Kate Nelson founder of I Quit Plastics and Plastic Free Mermaid, a Byron Shire local devoted to supporting people to quit single use plastics has teamed up with Sunglass Fix, another Byron Shire eco warrior, to educate about reducing waste and promoting environmentally sustainable choices....
Thursday 30 May, 2019


More than a decade ago, Craig Anderson found three pairs of scratched up sunglasses in his drawer. His natural tendency to fix things rather than throw them away, especially things of quality, got the better of him. ...
Thursday 21 Nov, 2013

Never Lose Your Sunglasses Again With Glasses TrackR

We've all been there, bought a nice expensive pair of designer sunglasses only to promptly lose them. I finally invested in a pair of Prada sunglasses years ago coughing up the $300 for the latest style only to lose them the same week....
Tuesday 11 Jun, 2013

National Men's Health Week Guys Get Out Your Polarized Sunglasses!

Thanks to Men's Health Week, taking place from June 10-16, men have a great reminder to think about the issues that could impact their health and their lives, including their eye health such as glaucoma that can be easily prevented wearing polarized lenses....
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