Wednesday 12 Jun, 2019

Say Yes to Waste-Free Living

The zero waste movement is rising, so if you’re wondering how to squish all your plastic, rubbish and wrappers down to nothing, but haven’t yet found a way......
Friday 7 Jun, 2019

10 Steps to Waste-Free Living

You've probably heard about the zero waste movement and wondered how on earth you could squish all your plastic, garbage and wrappers down to nothing. Zilch. Nada. ...
Friday 16 Nov, 2018

Tips for Buying New Sunglasses

A good pair of sunglasses is like good pair of shoes - it can transform an otherwise basic outfit into an extraordinary one. Some like to channel their inner Bob Dylan with a classic pair of Ray Ban wayfarers, while others prefer to make a statement a la Kurt Cobain’s in his white 90’s sunnies. What...
Friday 16 Nov, 2018

04 Ways to Reduce Waste

Sunglasses are just one more item that get tossed in the bin when they’re broken or damaged. Everyone owns at least one pair of sunnies, which means there are billions in existence and ultimately in landfills. ...
Friday 16 Nov, 2018

Tips for Buying New Sunglasses

Like a good hairstyle, a good pair of sunnies can transform an otherwise basic outfit into an extraordinary one. Some like to channel their inner Bob Dylan with a classic pair of Ray Ban wayfarers, while others prefer to make a statement a la Kurt Cobain’s in his white 90’s sunnies. Whatever your st...
Sunday 11 Nov, 2018

4 Ways to Reduce Waste

More than 100 million plastic bottles are used worldwide each day - approximately 2.5 million bottles thrown out every hour and 1,500 going in landfills or the ocean each second. There is actually an area in the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas known as The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is compo...
Thursday 17 Apr, 2014

Saving the environment one pair of sunglasses at a time

Who hasn’t just thrown away a pair of sunglasses at one time or another. That cheap pair you picked up at the gas station or $2 shop (even though they cost you $10), or the pair you dropped accidentally and scratched the lenses....
Tuesday 14 Jan, 2014

What You Should Know About Your Sunglass Lenses

I advise a lot of customers who are interested in replacement lenses for sunglasses, but I'm continually surprised by how little most of them know about the lenses they're ordering. When you make the decision to replace sunglass lenses, there are so many ways to customize your choice. Here, well loo...
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