- The Sunglass Fix

How to help fight planned corporate obsolescence


How To Fight Planned Corporate Obsolescence


The Sunglass Fix focuses on environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility

Our goal is to create a viable company that employs hard working, dedicated people and provides a wonderful business solution that will help reduce waste while improving our customers lives by delivery economical, high quality products. It has taken several years for the team at The Sunglass Fix to develop their lens technology and refine their business operations so they can provide what they think will be an industry changing solution for sunglass users.

As most of us know, we live in a disposable society. Most companies make it difficult and expensive to repair their products. We felt this was particularly evident in the sunglass industry where over a billion pairs of sunglasses are sold each year and getting your sunglasses repaired is expensive if not impossible.

We have posted a couple of videos for our customers.

The first is from a group of saterical comedians in Australia. While factual based, they put a great, entertaining spin on corporate obsolescence. Video from The Chasers on Planned Corporate Obsolescence

The Second Video is from 60 Minutes and discusses the Sunglass Industry.

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