Sunglasses are stylish, practical, cool, protective, and can be the ultimate fashion accessory - IF they fit right. Knowing how to choose sunglasses for face shape is an acquired skill set. Every face is different, and with a seemingly endless choice of frame shapes, sizes, and styles, it can be overwhelming to decide which pair is a perfect match with your unique facial features. That’s why we want to help you learn how to pick out sunglasses that are ideal for you.
In this guide we’ll teach you how to choose sunglasses size, what are the best sunglasses for round, oval, or wide faces, and everything in between. We’ll even talk you through how to measure the dimensions of your face so you’re fully equipped to pick out the right frames for you.
First up is finding out what face shape you actually have. This process is super easy and all you need is a tape measure, a mirror, and something to write with! We’ll even throw in some celebrity comparisons for you to work with so you can see where you fit on the facial shape spectrum.
If you already know your face shape and dimensions, then go ahead and skip to step two.
Step One: How to measure your face for sunglasses
Right, let’s get measuring. First up is face width. Run the tape measure from the temple on one side of your head to the temple on the other side. Boom. Easy. Done. Write that number down and see where you fit on this scale:
115 - 127mm / 4.5 - 5 in = narrow face
128 - 138mm / 5 - 5.5 in = medium face
140 - 152mm / 5.5 - 6 in = wide face
Next is face length. Hold the start of the tape measure at the top of your forehead and run it down to the bottom of your chin. Write that number down and set your tape measure next to your cat, lamp, half-eaten apple, or whatever else is on the nearest table next to you. We don’t need it anymore.
Now, seeing as faces are all about symmetry, working out your face length needs us to do a quick and straightforward formula. Don’t stress, you got this.
If the face length measures more or less the same as your width measurement, then you have a short face. If the measurement is 1.5 times longer (or more) than the width measurement, then you have a long face. Finally, if it’s longer than your width measurement, but less than 1.5 times longer, then you have a medium length face. Clear as mud? Perfect.
Lastly, let's do a visual check of your facial lines. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and pick out the lines that flow around your jaw, mouth, nose, and eyes. Are there soft lines that are round and have curves? Are there hard lines that are straight or angular? Maybe you’re seeing a blend of both? Note down where your features fit on a scale of soft/round/curvy to hard/straight/angular.
All done! Good job, you’ve graduated facial measuring school. Time to treat yourself to some new sunglasses!
Step Two: The best sunglasses for your face shape
Once you know your face shape, it’s time to figure out which sunglasses will work best with your unique features. The key here is to find balance and go with a pair of frames that work well with your facial dimensions and compliment your linear features.
In truth we are all different and therefore you might find yourself fitting into more than one of the face shape categories listed below. Also, bear in mind your unique contours and blends in addition to the measurements. This will help you to determine if you might be better suited for angled or curved frames. Just like a magnet, opposites attract in this case, so angles go well with curves and curves go well with angles.
Sunglasses for round faces
The best glasses for a round face are frames that have angles, corners, and straight lines. Equilibrium is key, so you want your sunglasses to contrast with the roundness of your face. Think squares and rectangles rather than extensive curves and bends. Styles like the Oakley Sutro, Otis Panorama or the Ray-Ban Square 1971 Classics would work great.
South African-American actress Charlize Theron looks fabulous in her square-style sunglasses and regularly wears them when stepping out, providing a fantastic contrast to her round face shape.
Sunglasses for oval faces
The best sunglasses for oval faces are, well, basically anything. You lucky thing, oval faces work great with seemingly all sunglasses. Sharp angles, big, small, wide, narrow, they just all fit. Try and find a photo of someone like Dwayne Johnson, Rihanna, Justin Bieber or Meghan Markle wearing sunglasses that don’t work with their oval face. To save you some time, the answer is you can’t. Oval shaped faces have the versatility to make everything work. Lucky you!
Sunglasses for square faces
The best sunglasses for square faces are going to be full of curves and circular edges. These will contrast brilliantly against the angular shape of your face and will even everything out. Think of Tom Cruise in Top Gun owning his Ray-Ban RB3025 Aviators, Brad Pitt in Oceans 12 with a pair of Diesel Cobretti sunglasses, or Kylie Jenner in anything from her Quay Capsule collection. Need we say more?
Sunglasses for heart shaped faces
Faces that have narrow chins and wide temples are referred to as either the triangle face shape or the heart face shape. We’ll go with the latter, because who doesn’t like hearts? The best sunglasses for heart shaped faces are styles that give a stretching effect by drawing attention away from the forehead. Butterfly sunglasses excel at this effect, but any sunglasses that have a curved top and widened lower portion - even rimless bottoms - will be fabulous.
Bollywood star Deepika Padukone always looks extra sensational in her Vincent Chase Cat-Eye sunglasses. Taylor Swift is another of those blessed with a heart shaped face who oozes style in cat-eye and butterfly frames.
Sunglasses for wide faces
Wide faces call for a slight shift away from the contrast philosophy and a shift to the uno philosophy - that is, we want things to match. The best sunglasses for wide faces are those with wide frames. A little too narrow and you’re inviting sun, dust and wind to disturb your vision and comfort, so you want the sunglasses to be snuggled on your face just right. Aesthetically, this will ensure you maintain balance and it also gives you some room to work with when it comes to your frame height and style.
Two enchanting women with wide faces that look flawless in wide sunglasses are Mila Kunis and Alia Bhatt. Mila Kunis sizzled wearing a pair of Mosley Tribes Raynes sunglasses in The Book of Eli which perfectly complemented her facial dimensions. Alia Bhatt always stuns in Bollywood with her wide frames, looking great no matter if she’s in aviators, over-sized, circled, or cat-eye sunglasses.
Sunglasses for small faces
The best sunglasses for a narrow, short, small face are those that are not oversized and are flowing with curves and bends. The general theme here is to stay away from frames that leave your face from swimming in an ocean of lens height and frame thickness. Rimless and semi-rimless can be a great solution with a small face, but the classics like ovals, rectangles and cat-eye sunglasses are nearly always winners.
If you have some angled features then small round sunglasses work exceptionally well, as demonstrated by Leonardo DiCaprio and Justin Timberlake on more than one occasion. Ed Sheeran has a slightly rounder facial appearance but owns the stage with his music and his look no matter if he’s in circular or rectangular frames.
Ultimately, if you LOVE a pair of sunglasses that break the conventional mold of what should or shouldn't fit your face shape, ignore the guides and wear them anyway. Style is personal and your choice is everything. Of course, make sure that you’re happy with whatever investment you go with in your next pair of sunglasses and ensure they suit your needs. Everything else is just a friendly suggestion to guide you in a direction that most people feel they look best going in.
BUT, if you wanna zig left when everyone else is zigging right and you look good doing it… then go ahead and do you! We’re sure the confidence you’re rocking along with your sunglasses will have you turning heads every step of the way. And when it comes to the time to replace the lenses in your frames, come back and visit us at and we’ll take care of everything - including free shipping no matter where you are in the world!